Safety Representative - Healthcare Sector Training
Course Overview
This course is designed to assist Safety Representatives in their role as defined by Part 4, Section 25 of The Safety, Health and Welfare at work Act, 2005. The course specifically deals with the common health and safety hazards encountered within the healthcare environment.
Participants will learn what these hazards are, what their impact wll be on themselves, their colleagues and clients/patients if they are not managed correctly. Participants will on completion of the programme be equipped with the skills and knowledge to enable them to play an active role in reducing the occurence of injury or ill health and assist the organisation to comply with their statutory duies. Participants will be able to represent fellow colleagues with regards to health and safety issues which may effect them
Course Content
Course Introduction - aims and objectives
Health and Safety Legislation
Introduction to health and safety legislation
Safety Health & Welfare at work Act 2005
Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (General application) Regulations 2007
Relevant Standards, Guidelines and Codes of Practice
The roles and functions of the Health and Safety Authority
Implementation of Health and Safety at Work
Implementation of health and safety management systems
Health and safety policies, culture and systems
Roles in health and safety (general)
Roles of the safety representative
Monitoring and reviewing
Risk Management
Hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control
Auditing and risk assessment tools
Practical use of tools and assessment forms
Assessment and control of hazards
Safe articles and substances
Electrical hazards
Fire safety
Housekeeping and slips, trips and falls
Ergonomics (Musculoskeletal disorders, ergonomic intervention)
Health and hygiene
For each category of risk the legislation relation to required compliance is discussed and referred back to regularly. Participants will also on completion of each topic have the opportunity where possible to carry out an audit identifying risks of the hazards they have learnt about. Risk Assessment forms used in the organisation will be introduced, otherwise Usafety will provide 'generic' risk assessment forms. All participants will be familiarised with the risk assessment form and will understand how to fill them in and how to report back information that has been diseminated.
Assessment and control of hazards
Manual Handling (Animate/Inanimate)
Work equipment
First aid
Environmental issues (Light, noise, air quality, temperature)
Pyschological hazards and human factors (e.g. stress, performance, teamwork etc.)
Bullying/Harrassment/Agression in the workplace
Violence in the workplace
Needle stick injuries
Latex allergy